1st step : Choose a background
Use the ruler (ctrl R) and select the size that you want. Zoom the image(ctrl T) until the size that you already set and standard.
2nd step : Choose a layer
Choose a layer and put in the other page so that can easy to cut the image using the" lasso tool". Before you cut the image, use "ctrl + " to zoom the image, after that use "lasso tool" to select the image that you want. Well, because of some certain small image that are not selected or over selected, so you can press the button "Q" in your key board and use "brush tool" to select the image that you want. After you finish select the image, press the same button in your key board "Q" and copy the image (ctrl C) and put into your background page.
3rd step : Put the layer in front of the background
Press "ctrl V" to paste the image into the background page. Make the image into a smaller size by using "ctrl T" to adjust size and move the image.
4th step : Put the Logo of MMU
Choose a logo of MMU and put on top of the background .
The same procedures in the 2nd step above, choose another layer and put into the other page so that can easy to selected the image that you want using "lasso tool".
Smaller the image and put beside the logo of MMU.
5th step : Text
Using text to show the topic of "FOM Open Day 2011/2012" and edit the words with adding the effect like "drop shadow" and "bevel and emboss" to make the words look more like 3D effect. Beside that use "gradient overlay" for the words more patterns and colourful.
6th step : Adjust the 1st layer brightness
Adjust the 1st layer brightness and contrast. Brightness -49 ; contrast 37.
7th step : Sharpen the background
Using the shadows and highlights to make adjust the brightness of the background .
Brightness and contrast for the background, this effect can make the outlook more 3D.
8th step : Words design
Overlook the words was lack of 3D feel and design. So, using warp text to change the style of the words. Style "Arc Lower" and change the bend into -30% so that can make the words have a strong 3D feel.
9th step : Add on design
Add some design on the wallpaper by using the MMU logo to design the book that holding by the lady.
TM logo was put in left hand lower site. The background was white colour, but that is just need the words. So using "Magic Wand Tool" to select all the items that need, after select the 1st word from the image, should press "Shift" and continue select the following words. Moreover, finish select all the items press " Ctrl C" and paste to the e-wallpaper page.
Additional layer for the e-wallpaper. That is the same solution as previous slide.
After paste the image, start to change the colour for the additional layer, using layer style to make the words look clearly with shadows by using "Drop shadow" and change the colour into dark green by using "Colour Overlay".
Output of the e-wallpaper